Monday, December 15, 2008

iPhone in Retail Shop : Wal-Mart @ $99

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     Since mid-November Cyberspace has been buzzing with rumor that retail giant Wall-mart will sell iPhone. The news was confirmed when "Boy Genius Report" published that Wal-Mart could start selling iPhone from 28th December. At first time Wal-Mart would sell 4-gigabyte version of the iPhone for the as low as $99. Presently Apple is only selling 8 gig and 16-gig model.
     On last Thursday, four Research analysts published a report stating that they called about 20 Wal-Mart stores and the most of them confirmed that they would sell iPhone but timing and pricing were uncertain.
    Currently Apple is selling iPhone only through AT&T outlets and BestBuy. So if they start selling the same through Wal-Mart it would definitely boost the sale. But according to industry insiders the amount certainly won't be $99 because Wal-Mart also needs to have profit margin.
    If Apple really can sale a scale-down version like 4 gig iPhone for less price, it only make sense to sell through Wal-Mart, if company's goal is to capture the more consumer base just like success story of iPod.

Picture and news courtesy: boygeniusreport and wsj

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