Thursday, January 1, 2009

Outplacement : The concept of placing its own employee

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Do you know the concept of outplacement? It is one clause in the PCMM (People Capability Maturity Model) certification.
At this present economic turmoil, major MNCs like HUL, Motorola, Sapient, Yahoo, Intel, Genpact, Cisco and Fidelity are offering out-placement offer to their affected employee. They search for job or assist their employees in searching suitable jobs in other potential firms.
Basically when a product company try to rightsize its workforce their keep in touch with other firms to see if they would like to absorb those employees. This practice is majorly followed in US companies. Though they try not to publicize all the details. But India Inc. is not very much into this game.
This policy is win-win situation both for employee and employer. When situation improves the employer is in good position to attract talents. Moreover the retrenched employees do not bear any negative feeling about their last employer. Moreover sometime the employers also call back their old employee when situation improves.

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